If you are planning to move to Spain, you must be prepared for the fact that in this country you will be faced with both the advantages of living by the warm, clean sea and its disadvantages. Today we want to tell you about the actual advantages and disadvantages of living on Spanish territory, and we will find out whether it is really worth connecting your future destiny with this unique corner of the planet. So let's begin.
The main advantages of living in Spain, which fortunately outweigh the disadvantages, are considered by many experienced travelers and experts to be:
The climate in Spain is one of the most favorable in Europe, although it differs from the climate of other European countries in some features. So, for example, here everything depends on the region: somewhere the 30-degree heat tries to rule the roost, somewhere the weather initiative is more often in the hands of winter, and somewhere there is a balance of low and high temperatures. In other words, you can easily choose the city of residence whose climatic conditions will be most acceptable for you.
The level of development of the country in terms of the cost of goods and the quality of services provided is incredibly high. Prices for housing, food, equipment and other products critical for a person’s comfortable life in Spain are quite low when compared with prices in other European countries.
It is especially worth noting the incredible benefits of a healthy Spanish diet – The country's stores always have a huge selection of fresh, organic fruits, vegetables and seafood, the introduction of which into the diet can significantly prolong a person's life. And this is really a fact – Life expectancy in Spain is now at least 80 years.
The infrastructure of Spain is capable of satisfying the needs of even the most demanding person in terms of comfort. Whatever city by the sea you choose, be sure that it will have absolutely everything for a comfortable life: unique “green” zones, crystal clear beaches, shopping centers, entertainment complexes and much more.
You can get to any point in the country either by public transport or by private car. Roads in Spain are distinguished by the highest quality of pavement, and vigilant police officers always keep order on them. There are also a sufficient number of airports in the country, from where flights depart daily to various parts of the world.
Native Spaniards – they are very friendly people and have a positive attitude towards other nationalities. People who have been living in Spain since birth are accustomed to unhurriedness and relaxation; they are not in a hurry and know how to listen and empathize in a way that no other European nation can.
The Spaniards will never leave you in trouble and will always lend you a helping hand. Family values are also highly valued here, so many try to devote as much time as possible to their family. It doesn’t matter which city you choose to live – you will be constantly “followed” everywhere. joyful smiles, polite friendly communication and a pleasant holiday atmosphere.
Spain has very developed social systems – transport, medicine, education, etc. Children here study in schools absolutely free, and in clinics and hospitals, patients are treated by some of the most highly qualified doctors in the world. Yes, you will also have to take out medical insurance, but the costs of obtaining it are fully justified.
Transport connections in the country are also at the level – You can get to any point in Spain quickly, safely and relatively inexpensively using any type of transport, from a car to an airplane.
Although there are not so many negative aspects of living in Spain, they can still significantly influence your decision to move and force you to postpone it or choose another European state as your country of residence. But let's take it in order.
Having moved to Spain, be prepared for the fact that the problem of preparing various documents and certificates will haunt you when contacting any, even the smallest, organization. What does it cost to obtain a residence permit alone? to get the right to officially live in the country you will have to collect an incredible amount of different pieces of paper – certificates, invoices, contracts, statements, etc. In addition, the bureaucratic machine in Spain works very slowly, and you can wait weeks for an answer to your question.
Problems with the organization of the tax system in Spain worry many. And indeed, compared to other European countries, it is really complex and absolutely disloyal to its citizens. If you want to open a business in Spanish territory, then be prepared to go through real hell – you will have to provide the relevant authorities with your real business schemes, bank statements and much, much more. And yes, the process of issuing you permission to open your own business may take up to a month.
Finding a good, well-paid job in Spain is not just difficult, but incredibly difficult. If you are not a truly qualified specialist with dozens of successfully implemented profitable projects, then the only thing they will offer you is – This is either a job in the service sector or temporary work with a low salary.
Ideal option with work in Spain – this is if you already have a ready-made business, or you work remotely and get good money for it. So successful freelancers in the country will feel more than comfortable and secure.
In Spain, the human right to rest is strictly respected – On holidays and Sundays, almost nothing works here. Banks, pharmacies, supermarkets, markets – all this is open only on weekdays and in most cases not until late. The only exceptions are specialty stores that sell essential goods at inflated prices, and gas stations.
Restaurants and bars, of course, are open until late at night, but everything else closes after dark until the next working day. There's nothing you can do about it – you will have to get used to the new order.
Spanish houses do not have central heating, so they are very cold in winter. You can escape from low temperatures only by turning on the air conditioner to burn, which is what many people do. But keep in mind that electricity prices in Spain are incredibly high, so you have to choose – either pay exorbitant bills and bask in air conditioning, or abandon it and walk around the house wearing clothes that retain heat well.
In general, choosing sunny Spain as a country to move to – not a bad option. Just study all the pros and cons of living on Spanish territory, and if you are satisfied with everything, then move. After all, people here live no worse than in other countries of the European Union.
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