
Electric installation work in Spain

Electric installation work

Electrical work  is a mandatory part of any repair and construction. Serviseta performs a wide range of electrical work. The arsenal of first-class specialists includes high qualifications, rich professional experience and modern tools for solving problems of any complexity. Masters easily implement turnkey electrical installation at an object of various specifications. They become the real masters of the situation in a production facility, in an industrial, administrative, commercial or sports building, in an office, apartment, private house. They masterfully turn complex projects into reality.

Electric installation work

An individual approach to each order plays an important role in high-quality electrical wiring. Another important factor of customer-oriented service is the minimum terms for the implementation of the service. Electrical work is carried out by masters with 10 years of experience. Also, more experienced employees and young enthusiasts take part in the preparation, design and installation. Selfless electricians are assisted by managers and administrative staff. Here you will be offered loyal prices and favorable terms of cooperation. The cost of electrical work consists of several components and is based on the bases established by market requirements. The final price is displayed according to a transparent estimate and will depend on:

  • The duration of the design and survey period;
  • Features of installation and change of electrical wiring;
  • Number of lighting fixtures and type of installation;
  • Electrical cable laying schemes;
  • Varieties of material in which it is necessary to prepare holes for socket boxes;
  • The nuances of producing a niche for a switchboard;
  • Details of the arrangement of electrical equipment.

Our specialists

Full-time electricians have the appropriate category, permits for electrical work. They have experience in the installation of electrical products in objects of various complexity and power networks. To clarify information on positions with a contractual value, consult with our employees by phone or during a personal visit to your facility. Our consultants will help determine the timing of the order and give recommendations from experts.

Terms of cooperation

We provide our customers with open access prices for electrical work and report the full estimated cost even before the start of the order. Electricians have experience in installing modern electrical equipment, are aware of new products for the safe operation of the electrical network and have an accurate measuring tool with them. The deadlines for the implementation of large projects are approved in advance in the contract. We fulfill orders from individuals and businesses. Always happy to provide related repair services.

The safety of all residents, not only in the repaired premises, but also for neighbors, depends on the quality of electrical installation work. We give a guarantee for the services rendered - you will be calm that the funds were spent on responsible performance. The cost of all services is exempt from the cost of intermediaries, as we have our own staff of performers and do not involve third-party companies. It is beneficial to cooperate with us in any direction in the repair.

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