
Sewer cleaning in Spain

Sewer cleaning

Cleaning the sewer system is one of the most requested plumbing services. Timely removal of deposits on the walls of pipes ensures unhindered drainage of wastewater and high-quality sewerage. This must be done regularly - the lack of care for the system over time leads to a deterioration in its patency, blockages and may eventually result in damage - for example, defrosting in winter.

It is best if cleaning is done by professional plumbers. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Qualified workers will be able to correctly assess the degree of pollution of the sewer and choose the method of cleaning it: mechanical, chemical or hydrodynamic.
  • Professionals use special equipment and consumables. This allows them to most effectively and efficiently remove various types of deposits from pipes and joints.
  • Experienced plumbers have the knowledge and skills to clean properly, minimizing the risk of damage to the system. After home-made attempts to “dig through” on their own, it may be necessary to repair, or even replace pipes. In the end, this will cost much more than the cost of the work of professionals.
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