Torrevieja - Alicante Airport (AENA) bus timetable
The distance between Torrevieja and Alicante Airport (AENA) is about 60 kilometers. There are direct bus routes, and you can get there quickly, comfortably and safely. Between the cities, a branded bus of the Avanza (Costa Azul) company runs daily fr...
28 November 2022
To all customers - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023!
The friendly team of ALICANTE REAL ESTATE wishes all its clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! All our employees wish you health and well-being, we want all your dreams to come true. We can help make some of your dreams come true. Our comp...
20 December 2022
New Housing Regulations in Spain
On April 27, 2023, the Spanish Parliament considered the strategic issue of housing legislation. A number of important amendments were adopted to address the housing crisis in Spain. The new housing law is designed to address problems in many areas, ...
12 September 2023

How to live comfortably in Spain? Ten life hacks for foreigners

Let Spain be famous for sunny weather, afternoon sleep and other pleasures, all the same, foreigners will have a hard time here at first. Like any country, you need to get used to this, acclimatize - in the literal and figurative sense of the word. To speed up this process, we suggest using the ten life hacks that we have prepared for foreigners.

  1. Use home delivery of food and goods. This will seem strange to residents of Russia and the CIS countries, but in large Spanish cities you can not only buy food, household goods and animal feed, but also deliver them by courier. The service can be free if you have not exceeded the minimum purchase limit, or cost five to ten euros. In any case, it is worth the money: you save time by not queuing up in supermarkets, and by not dragging cat-filled bags, for example. The second is especially appreciated by residents of skyscrapers or houses on the hills!
  2. Find the best sellers of vegetables, fish and meat in the neighborhood. This is easy to do: ask your neighbors or look for shops where there are always a lot of buyers. Once you find such merchants, learn to trust their taste! The product gurus will tell you what goodies to take this season, what dishes to make from them and even help with cooking!
  3. Missing food and things from home? It offers online sites and import stores that are in any major city. Before you visit the second, mentally prepare for high price tags. Seeing them, you will understand: to bring things with you on flights is not such a bad idea.
  4. Not every store is a supermarket , even if it calls itself So. If the institution is tiny, it works from nine in the morning and after nine in the evening, then it is rather a grocery store. Get ready for overpriced and late payments!
  5. Get a shopping trolley! Yes, she looks stupid, but she will come in handy. No wonder the Spaniards, I use it from little to great. Indispensable for shopping!
  6. Extension cords. Locals often run out of power outlets. The disease is more affected by old houses, although it also occurs in new ones. In any case, without extension cords in Spain can not do! We advise you to get not ordinary, but with a built-in timer: one that turns off the electronics at certain times of the day
  7. Water filter. A cleaner will make your stay in Spain calmer. You do not have to run to the shops for bottles or suffer from hard water, which is often found in large cities. If you have sensitive scalp and hair, we recommend installing it in the shower!
  8. Wear comfortable shoes! You live in Spain, which means you will walk a lot. So, it’s better to bring or buy shoes that are equally comfortable and pleasant looking. It is worth the money! Just don’t wear sneakers - they are suitable for local gyms, but not streets.
  9. Public transport drives! Spanish buses, trains and metro are reliable and affordable transport. Whether you need to go to the city or beyond, it doesn’t matter, because public transportation is better than cars. By abandoning the latter, you are depriving yourself of such \"joys\" as a navigator, directing you to old, no longer existing roads, and evil Spanish drivers.
  10. Do not skimp on a reusable travel card. Seriously, do not buy a ticket for one trip: in Spain this is a legalized form of robbery. One-time travel tickets are usually twice as expensive: they will cost more than two euros, while a subscription for ten trips - one euro. At least, these are the prices at the time of publication.
Torrevieja - Alicante Airport (AENA) bus timetable
The distance between Torrevieja and Alicante Airport (AENA) is about 60 kilometers. There are direct bus routes, and you can get there quickly, comfortably and safely. Between the cities, a branded bus of the Avanza (Costa Azul) company runs daily fr...
28 November 2022
To all customers - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023!
The friendly team of ALICANTE REAL ESTATE wishes all its clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! All our employees wish you health and well-being, we want all your dreams to come true. We can help make some of your dreams come true. Our comp...
20 December 2022
New Housing Regulations in Spain
On April 27, 2023, the Spanish Parliament considered the strategic issue of housing legislation. A number of important amendments were adopted to address the housing crisis in Spain. The new housing law is designed to address problems in many areas, ...
12 September 2023
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