Torrevieja - Alicante Airport (AENA) bus timetable
The distance between Torrevieja and Alicante Airport (AENA) is about 60 kilometers. There are direct bus routes, and you can get there quickly, comfortably and safely. Between the cities, a branded bus of the Avanza (Costa Azul) company runs daily fr...
28 November 2022
To all customers - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023!
The friendly team of ALICANTE REAL ESTATE wishes all its clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! All our employees wish you health and well-being, we want all your dreams to come true. We can help make some of your dreams come true. Our comp...
20 December 2022
New Housing Regulations in Spain
On April 27, 2023, the Spanish Parliament considered the strategic issue of housing legislation. A number of important amendments were adopted to address the housing crisis in Spain. The new housing law is designed to address problems in many areas, ...
12 September 2023

How, where and what they smoke in Spain

In Spain, about 30% of men and 20% of women smoke. Health promotion, excise taxes and restrictions lead to a slow but steady decline in the number of smokers. However, the average Spaniard smokes 1,500 cigarettes a year, which is quite a lot by European standards. Until the end of 2010, people who smoked felt quite free, and it was possible to buy cigarettes (in a number of regions) after reaching 16 years of age. 
Amendments to the law "On sanitary measures against tobacco smoking and regulation of the sale, supply, consumption and advertising of tobacco products" dated December 3, 2010, the age limit was raised to 18 years and the penalties for its violations were significantly toughened. 
From June 11, 2017, Royal Decree 579/2017 has been in force regarding the production, advertising and sale of vape products in Spain, in fact, transferring the TPD Euro Directive to Spanish jurisdiction. 
On May 11, 2022, the Spanish government approved the Tobacco Market Bill, which puts e-cigarettes on an equal footing with conventional cigarettes.

We are dealing with such a legislative base at the moment. Now let's see how things are at the household level. What, how much and for how much do the Spaniards smoke? Let's figure it out.


In Spain, the turnover of tobacco products is a state monopoly. There is no way to buy cigarettes at the supermarket checkout or in the grocery store. You can buy smoke either in a specialized store or in a vending machine.

  • The stores of the Tabacos network, in addition to tobacco products, sell mobile communication cards with fairly favorable tariff plans and all sorts of useful little things.  The area of these stores is not large (7-10 sq./m), and there are not so many of them. Therefore, despite the conspicuous red sign with the letter "T", the smoker should make a reconnaissance in advance on the ground and buy a supply of cigarettes, since buying them at night – a task from the realm of the unreal.
  • Specialized vending machines can be found in bars, restaurants, gas stations, etc. In Spain, the issue of identifying a buyer by age is solved simply and effectively. The clerk or bar employee turns the machine on and off for the customer and may ask for documents if there is any doubt that the smoker has reached the age of eighteen. There is no need for rights and social security cards, as in some other countries. Cigarettes cost in such machines, about 5% more expensive than in Tabacos. 

Because the prices of tobacco products are controlled by the state, they are the same throughout the country, with the exception of the Balearic Islands and Melilla, and range from 3.8 to 6 euros per pack.  For example: Winston – 4.6 EUR; L&M– 4.4; Marlboro – 5 ; Camel – 4.7; Chesterfield – 4.7; Davidoff – 5 ; Dunhill – 5.5; Lucky Strike – 4.6; Pall Mall – 4.3; Philip Morris – four ; Rothman – 4.2; Vogue – 4.65. 
Table No. 1. Average prices for a pack of cigarettes in some European countries.

State Average price per pack of cigarettes (EUR)

As we can see, cigarette prices in Spain are neither the highest nor the lowest in the European Union. This statement is also true for the tax burden on tobacco products.

Table No. 2

StateExcise rate (%)

Pipe tobacco

For many, the pipe is a sign of belonging to some creative elite.  In any case, this accessory definitely allows you to stand out from the crowd, and the aroma of pipe tobacco has unique notes. For those who like to fill their pipes, we give prices for some brands of tobacco:

  • Borkum Riff Copper (50g) - 6.15 (EUR)
  • Erinmore Mixture Lata (50g): 8.15; 
  • Peterson Old Dublin (50g): 9.75; 
  • Stanwell Sungold (50g): 6.45; 
  • Taboo Game Over (200g): 12.90. 

Cigars and cigarillos

In Spain, especially in tourist areas, it's easier to meet a person with a joint than with a full-fledged cigar, but it's on the street. But on the terraces of golf clubs and similar places, the noble cigar aroma – pretty normal atmosphere. Here are the prices for some varieties of cigars:

  • Calypso: Reig Platinum Filter (4): 0.30 (EUR);
  • Don Thomas: Clasico Robusto (25): 3.65;
  • Macanudo: Inspirado White Toro (20): 5.70;
  • Reposado: Connecticut Toro (10): 1.50;
  • Silverado: Silverado Purple Ice Click (El envase de 17): 2.50;
  • Swisher: Amber Cigars (el envase de 2): 70;
  • Amethyst cigars (el envase de 2): 0.70;
  • Classic cigars (el envase de 2): 0.70;
  • Diamonds cigars (el envase de 2): 0.70. 

Tobacco for hand-rolling 

Do-it-yourself cigarette making is a fairly popular activity for smoking Spaniards. Adherents of cigarette rolls point to significant savings (the smoker's budget should be cut by about half). In addition, compared to cigarettes, tobacco is less counterfeited, so the quality of the mixture is at a high level. 
Prices for a pack of 40 grams of roll-your-own tobacco: 

  • Mohawk Virginia – 4.5 euro; 
  • Camel Blue – 7; 
  • Excite Red– 6.4;
  • Gauloises Melange – 7.15; 
  • JPS Red – 6.45; 
  • West – 6.75. 

Illegal cigarettes

High excises, dictated by concerns about the health of the nation and the replenishment of the treasury, inevitably give rise to the good old smuggling and counterfeiting. By some estimates, every tenth pack of cigarettes smoked by a Spanish smoker is illegal. Equipment for clandestine workshops is brought into the country under the guise of agricultural equipment, smugglers do not lag behind in creativity, hiding prohibited goods even in concrete structures. The state annually covers several enterprises, but they are replaced by other lovers of illegal profit.

The price of counterfeit tobacco will be 30% lower compared to the store price. Another question is that due to the state monopoly, you can be sure of the decent quality of tobacco blends purchased at official outlets.

Vapes and electronic cigarettes

The use of these devices is subject to the same restrictions as traditional tobacco, but recently, the Spanish Ministry of Health has become concerned about the possibility of banning online sales of vaping products and limiting sales in specialized tobacco shops. Accordingly, it is planned to introduce additional restrictions on the sale and distribution of electronic cigarettes. Government structures, led by the Ministry of Health, cite the following arguments (voiced by Minister Carolina Darias) against vaping and electronic cigarettes: 

  • There are a large number of websites where you can buy nicotine devices online, and methods to prevent access by minors are not sufficient and ineffectiveIn this regard, the possibility of banning online sales of vaping products, as well as restrictions on sales in specialized tobacco stores. 
  • Local anti-smoking legislation needs to be reformulated. And extend it to e-cigarettes as they cause harmful short-term effects.

For their part, the Spanish Ministry of Finance and the National Committee for the Prevention of Smoking (CNPT) joined the process. Thus, the sacred goals of the struggle for a healthy lifestyle, as often happens, are reinforced by the proposed fiscal measures. The criteria for these measures were the volume of liquid for electronic smoking devices, and the content of nicotine in them, and they were formulated in the corresponding report.  

The report proposes to establish a general tax on liquids for EC at the average EU rate of 0.15 euros per ml. Moreover, with an additional element for the content of nicotine in the amount of 0.006 euros per mg. The group said that with an average tax rate of 35.6%, the Spanish government would be able to receive 35 million euros a year from it.

 "This is a viable option for the Spanish economy", — said a spokesman for the CNPT. "The government will reap the economic benefits and at the same time help reduce the consumption of these products."

The Union of Vaping Promoters and Entrepreneurs (UPEV) has its own arguments. Moreover, not wanting to associate itself with tobacco manufacturers, the association filed a lawsuit against this initiative. Further quote: the ongoing campaign identifies vaping and tobacco smoking in a clearly misleading way, putting both activities on the same level and attributing the same harmful consequences. technical and scientific data showing the benefits of vaping as a means of quitting smoking. Plaintiffs contend that combining tobacco smoking and vaping in the Tobacco Binds and Kills You program violates several articles of the General Law of Spain on Advertising and the Law on Publicity and Institutional Communication. 

Indeed, in a number of countries, vaping is considered one of the methods of quitting tobacco smoking. We will monitor the development of the situation. 
We will talk more about the proven negative consequences of tobacco smoking and vaping in the final part of the article, and now – about where you can "let smoke or steam" and where you can not. 

Smoking areas

In general, Spanish tobacco laws comply with European norms, while leaving smokers a certain, albeit shrinking, life space. 

Where you can smoke. 

  • In hotels, up to 30% of the rooms (at the discretion of the owners) can be rented to smokers. A tourist should only ask about the hotel's policy regarding smoking on balconies. 
  • There is no problem to smoke a cigarette on the open terraces of cafes or restaurants. There are establishments that completely prohibit smoking on their territory, but there are not so many of them. 
  • Of course, it is not forbidden to smoke at home or at a party. Private residence is inviolable. 

Where you can't smoke. 

  • In any public place.
  • In open spaces near children's, educational and medical institutions. 
  • In closed institutions (prisons, psychiatric hospitals, nursing homes) the organization of smoking rooms is allowed.

Penalties for breaking the law 

  • For individuals — from 30 to 600 euros, depending on the nature of the offense and the mood of the policeman. 
  • For legal entities — from 10,000 to 600,000 euros. In case of repeated violations in the organization, the authorities can close the organization. And there were such precedents. 

Marijuana in Spain

An interesting fact – With a clear trend towards quitting tobacco smoking, the number of cannabis users in Spain is on the rise. According to official data from the Spanish Ministry of Health, obtained through a survey among 22.5 thousand people, marijuana use continues to increase in the country. Nearly 7.3% (or 2.2 million) of its residents aged 15 to 64 smoke in at least one joint. per month, and 2.1% do it daily.

However, the expat or tourist should be aware that consumption and acquisition can be interpreted by the police in completely different ways. In fact, Spain is a liberal and tolerant country, and it is unlikely that anyone will persecute a peacefully relaxed person, but we rely on the legislative base. 

  • In Spain, there is a whole industry of shops for "gardeners" – lovers". Marijuana seeds are available and legal. 
  • It is legal to grow up to two cannabis bushes per adult family member in your home. "Plantation" should not be visible to passers-by and neighbors. 
  • It is illegal to sell and buy the final product. 
  • You can join a cannabis club and use marijuana there in a community of like-minded people. 
  • Smoking cannabis in public places is illegal
  • There are no programs for the medical use of cannabis in Spain.

In practice, there are a lot of legal and paralegal nuances of the activities of grow shops and marijuana clubs, but we start only from the officially declared rules. 


This material is for informational purposes only and does not promote anything. Moreover, there are well-proven negative medical aspects associated with both smoking tobacco, marijuana, and vaping. 

  • Resins released at ultra-high temperatures, when smoking cigarettes, pipes and cigars, can provoke a number of life-threatening pathologies, including cancerous tumors. No less resin is contained in a joint with marijuana. 
  • Nicotine is included in the mechanisms of nerve impulse transmission, replacing natural mediators and causing an addictive effect. 
  • Vapor vapor can cause emphysema, and flavoring resins can also be unsafe.
  • Cannabis opiates are considered a "jump" drug, that is, an intermediate step towards heavy and completely illegal substances, leading to dire consequences for their users.   

Take care of your health, be in harmony with yourself and the world around you. Follow the laws of the host country and be happy.   

Torrevieja - Alicante Airport (AENA) bus timetable
The distance between Torrevieja and Alicante Airport (AENA) is about 60 kilometers. There are direct bus routes, and you can get there quickly, comfortably and safely. Between the cities, a branded bus of the Avanza (Costa Azul) company runs daily fr...
28 November 2022
To all customers - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023!
The friendly team of ALICANTE REAL ESTATE wishes all its clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! All our employees wish you health and well-being, we want all your dreams to come true. We can help make some of your dreams come true. Our comp...
20 December 2022
New Housing Regulations in Spain
On April 27, 2023, the Spanish Parliament considered the strategic issue of housing legislation. A number of important amendments were adopted to address the housing crisis in Spain. The new housing law is designed to address problems in many areas, ...
12 September 2023
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